You might be good at turning out beats. It’s not enough. You might know how to loop a sample. It’s not enough. You might be able to put a few words together. It’s not enough.
Thing is, to get anything going, you have to wear as many hats as possible: writer, mixer, engineer – and more.
Learn to use the three hats on which everything else hangs. Get your writing, mixing and engineering sorted out and you can start promoting yourself for shows using YouTube, Spotify and your other channels. You can even sell your tracks.
We step in where you need it. You can either get the knowledge or get us to mix, master your tracks or check your lyrics before you go into the studio.
Talk to my hat!
The 3 Hats are a team of music biz professionals that have been working extensively in both live and recorded music. They are now working together and enabling musicians, producers and lyricists to get beyond the obstacles and get the results they are looking for.
Ben Schwag
For the past 30 years, Ben has been travelling between Europe, the US and Asia. Originally a drummer, he released a number of successful singles in the nineties and is now better-known for his arranging and production work. This has included performers such as Rufus Thomas and his daughter Carla, Johnny Guitar Watson and Curtis Mayfield. He also has extensive experience in movie production. He’s the one who writes the recording and mixing tips.
Michael Leahy
A born and bred writer. Alongside years of journalism and rock reviewing, he also established himself as a successful lyricist with 2 Unlimited, CB Milton, Perry Rose and many more. Michael has also worked as a senior copywriter for music trade fairs, the world’s movie projector companies and is the author of a guide for people attending trade fairs. Amongst other things, he’s the man behind the Lyrical Helpline.
You can also find him on A-Lyric.
Thierry Tirabasso
Known as “Sparks”, as he keeps the whole show running. This involves running the webcasts, filming the interviews, managing the 24-track machine and handling the logistics.
E-mail: studio@3HatsMusic.com